All the public nameservers. This database contains public DNS Servers that are reachable by IPv4 or IPv6. Currently there are 1,605 Nameservers from 107 countries in the database. Recently checked. This list of public and free DNS servers is checked continuously. Read how to change your DNS server settings.

How to Find Out What DNS Servers Your PC, Mobile, and Mar 27, 2020 IPv4 and IPv6 Anycast DNS Firewall and Resolver CleanBrowsing List of IP Addresses. We have 3 free content filters available via IPv4 and IPv6. Choose the one that fits your needs the most. All our IP addresses accept DNS request to the standard port 53 and 5353. DNS over TLS is available over port 853 and DNScrypt over port 8443. How to Set Up DDNS on IP Cameras: Top 5 Easiest Steps with Nov 28, 2019

How to: Enforcing Google SafeSearch, YouTube, and Bing

How to Find Out What DNS Server Am I Using? | TechWiser Mar 01, 2019 Convert Host Name to IP Address or Find IP address of a

About DNS Lookup Tool. DNS Lookup tool fetches all DNS Records of a domain and shows as received. If you changed your hosting or DNS records, then this tool is for you to verify that your records are entered correctly to avoid any downtime. The records fetched by this tool are A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, PTR, SRV, SOA, TXT, CAA.

Oct 19, 2014 · I too have added the domain to the block list. All of my pc's DNS queries are correctly going via opendns, as the web filter is working for other sites in the block list, on the pc's. It would seem is the only website where on any pc, it can still be accessed. This happens with any brand of web browser.